Mirror, Mirror On the Wall

I don't know if I've ever mentioned this, but I'm trying to adopt a child.


Besides having been dragged through the mud personally and been made to face my own personal demons as well as those of my husbands and children, this process has been decidedly delightful.

If you believe that, well, I also want you to know I have a 21-inch waist and only weigh 95 pounds. I have to fight off requests from Vogue and Cosmo to model for them all the time.


The decision to adopt was an easy one. We wanted a sibling for our Bug who was like him. Someone he could relate to on his own level, someone who understood the challenges he faced on a daily basis. Someone who would make him feel normal. We loved Bug so much we knew we would love another disabled child just as much.

Then the world turned upside down, the skies darkened and the unthinkable happened. Bug died. Suddenly and with out warning. Which brought our decision to adopt to a screeching halt.

We became a tad busy grieving. You know, the ugly cries, the constant wonderings of "What if's" and trying to learn how to cope and love and live with two very sad and confused siblings who didn't understand the concept of gone. Forever.

The adoption was stricken from our minds. How do you think about having another child when all you can think about is the fact you couldn't keep one of your children alive through sheer force of will and love?

After all, we did everything right. I mean, I fed him and watered him and would try and remember to change his arse before his diaper simply fell off from the sheer weight of refuse nesting inside it's warm plastic walls.

Eventually the question of adoption was brought back up. The biological clock that resides within me refuses to stop shrilling. No matter how loudly my tired uterus, broken pelvic bones and damaged (literally) heart tells it to shut the fack up, that clock keeps reminding me I want more kids.


But since breeding the old fashioned way is an impossibility for this now barren and useless uterus, I've had to make do with alternate arrangements.

Which brought adoption back on to the table.

Two years later and I can see the sunshine again. (Well not right now thanks to the raging blizzard outside of my windows...how I love Mother Nature and Freaking CANADA...but still, I know the sun out is there.)

Life has leveled off into a comfortable existence between an aching heart and the joyous existence of raising two lovely little demon spawn to call my own.

I'm having so much fun horn wrangling my demons I simply can't wait to try my hand at this motherhood gig all over again. I mean, is there anything more enjoyable than mounds of dirty laundry, unending school recitals and constantly being reminded just how very uncool you are now that you are known as a parent?

That was rhetorical. Let me live in my delusions.

But now that the rough part of the adoption ride is over (ha! I fooled them all!), my caseworker keeps telling me that the fun is just beginning. It gets easier from here. Kids will be dropping in my lap and I will have the pick of the litter.

Except the litter is awfully small. Turns out the type of child we want to adopt are as elusive as a purple unicorn that poops out golden eggs.

My caseworker was wrong. This is not the fun part. Not unless you consider riding a rollercoaster while hung over and being forced to eat runny eggs simultaneously fun. Me, not so much.

It's not a lot of fun hearing there may be a child who matches you only to find out the child's case worker thinks you are a nut job or your family should not be allowed near monkeys let alone children or your husband doesn't think the kid will be the right fit.

I keep forgetting he has a say in this as well. So far, I haven't much liked what he has said. I'm still a little disappointed he turned down a seven-month-old baby girl who may or may not have a neurological problem. She wasn't handicapped enough for him. At this point, I'd adopt a two-headed kitten to call my own.

(We call the right head Sam and the left head Jack. Don't they have pretty eyes?)

This may be why my husband and my caseworker are trying to ignore my maternal instincts and force me to think logically. Buggers.

We've been unofficially matched with a handful of kids but for a variety of reasons they didn't work out. There is no fault to be laid, they just weren't the kids for our family. My head understands this, but my broken heart and screaming uterus are still trying to understand why I have an empty bed in my house and no one to slap diapers on other than my dog.

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Isn't he a beautiful baby? And I never need diaper wipes. He licks himself clean just for me.

Even my kids keep at an arms distance lest I get some mad twinkle in my eye and start muttering about "let's play dress up. You be the baby and I'll get the diapers."

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My kids have no sense of haha.

I keep repeating to myself like some yoga mantra that if it is meant to be, it will be. It's in God's hands. If a child never presents itself to our family we will survive. My maternal instincts will just have to learn how to shut the hell up. After all, I still have two wonderful children and a little angel to call my own. Some people aren't so lucky.

Just when I was actually learning how to be patient with the child matching process and accept what will be, the clouds parted, the sun shone down and the phone rang.

Once again, we are on a rollercoaster journey of trying to decide if a child will fit our home. There are two little children who are in dire need of a forever family and would we consider either of them? My immediate response before my husband reached out, clapped his hand over my mouth and effectively muzzled me was "SURE! We'll take BOTH. And can I have fries with that?"

Boo is such a spoilsport. Apparently, I'm only allowed to choose one. One has very severe mental handicaps and is able bodied while the other is smart, witty and trapped in rather pathetic shell for a body. Hmm. One is older while the other is younger. Both are very cute. Both need mommies.

When we started this process my family and friends would tell me that I would simply KNOW which child is meant to be.

What a crock of shat. Apparently they have forgotten whom they were speaking to. A woman who can't decide between green grapes and red grapes so she buys both. A woman who couldn't choose her daughter's name so she just gave up and let her husband and mother decide for her. I bought the first car I test-drove because it had a bitchy looking front grill and really, isn't one car the same as the next?

I'm not a great decision maker. I wrestle with doubt and my insecurities and I tend not to make rational logical decisions. Yet I've got the biggest decision of my and my family's life ahead of me, ultimately in my lap.

Who do I choose?

The hubs, he has opinions. I try to listen to them. The fact he hasn't scrubbed either child from the decision making process speaks loudly enough. He likes them both. If only we could take both. But that is not an option. The kids, they have opinions. But mainly over who is going to get to be the favorite sibling. So helpful.

For the past few weeks, I have been praying and thinking and basically obsessing over these children. I am confident either child will be happy in our home and we will grow to love this child as fearsome and deeply as we love all our children. Dead and alive.

But this isn't fun. I'm morphing into a wrinkled, gray haired old woman, worrying that once we finally decide on a child something will go wrong and we won't be able to take this child home. There are no guarantees. Not in adoption.

In true Redneck fashion, I never thought this far in advance. Much like when I was unmarried and pregnant with my first child I concentrated on the pregnancy and the delivery. I never gave much actual thought to raising a baby. When the nurse wheeled Fric in, bundled in her little bassinet and walked away I remember thinking "OH SHIT! What am I supposed to do now?"

I have for so long been consumed with surviving the adoption process and getting approved I never allowed myself to think of the time when we would start the child matching part. It seemed so hopelessly far off and almost impossible.

Almost as impossible as having to decide on a child.

Boo says for me to take comfort in the fact that once we decide, much like our other spawn, we can't give them back. We're stuck with them for life.

He has such a way with words.

I just wish he'd let me decide using the tried and true method of tossing a coin. Two out of three and we've got a match.

(This would be one of those posts I sincerely hope my caseworker isn't reading but if she is, I'm totally JUST JOKING. Seriously. I'd never make a life choice by such trivial means. Really.)


So this is where the adoption stands. The possibility of a child being placed in our home swirls around us and excites us. The possibility of falling in love with a child only to have it not work out sticks at our souls and prevents us from getting our heads too far up in the clouds. Or up our arse.

I've got big weighty decisions to make in the imminent future. Preferably with out the aids of any mommy juice or loose coins lying about.

But if I can get my hands on a magic mirror or crystal ball, all bets are off.